Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Gender and sexualities. Qustions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Gender and sexualities. Qustions - Essay Example From the very ancient age these rules and regulations are present which differentiate men and women in the society. Cultures of the people differ on the basis of their ethnicity, race, religion, class, age, nation etc. People of various cultures follow different rules and regulations. For this reason believes, values and actions of people of diverse cultures vary from each other. In this essay various theories, philosophies, social norms regarding sexualities and gender will be discussed. In the present scenario the idea and concepts of the people regarding gender are influenced by their professional world and social environment. Various issues of gender and sexualities are discussed in history by sociopolitical and historical theory. Racism and gender discrimination are major problems which are present in many countries of the world. For these issues the lives and activities of the people are influenced a lot. Many movements took place against gender discrimination and racism which helped to change the perception of the people regarding these issues. Question 1 According to me culture plays an important role in shaping up the perception of people regarding gender and sexualities. The lives of men and women are strongly affected by cultural rules and regulations.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Find the Ar of lithium Essay Example for Free

Find the Ar of lithium Essay Was my experiment suitable? My experiments enabled me to gain results, which then with the aid of calculations I could find the Ar of lithium. From this perspective you can say the experiment was suitable as I achieved this. Were my results what I expected? Looking at the results they do not match the expected Ar of lithium (6. 9). Method 1, measuring the volume of hydrogen produced, gave the result of 19. 76 (a factor of 12. 86 out). Method 2, titrating the lithium hydroxide produced, gave the result of 8. 65 (a factor of 1. 75 out). So looking at these results not only we can see they are out, but one method is more inaccurate than the other. The titration is far more accurate than the collecting of gas. Comparing both methods, and recognising sources of error. Method1. Sources of error in the collection of gas practical were: When the lithium was weighed I had to place it on filter paper first to remove the oil from it. However I feel that not all of the oil was removed from the Li so perhaps this contributed extra mass which was not part of the Li itself. The scales themselves were awkward to use; when I placed some paper onto the scales and zeroed it (to weigh the Li onto) the mass kept fluctuating, so I was unsure as to how precise my weighing out was. These problems will have both contributed to a source of error- the mass of Li will have not been accurate. The next part of the practical was particularly inaccurate. I had to place the Li into the conical flask and then place the bung onto the flask quick enough so that no gas was leaked. I think this would be virtually impossible. I also had the problem that as I tried to add the Li to the flask, some of the granules stuck to the paper which it was on (probably due to the presence of some oil). So there was a short period where I had to get this Li off the paper and into the flask which will have allowed the gas to escape considerably. For this reason I feel that 60. 6 may be an anomalous result contributing to my highly inaccurate Ar for method 1. When I came to measure the gas evolved itself, my 250 ml measuring cylinder had a small irremovable air bubble inside it. I had no choice to ignore this but again this would have affected my result. Also 250 ml measuring cylinders are only accurate to 2 ml -anything under this had to be estimated, which by its very nature lacks accuracy. Parallax may have been a problem when gauging the volume in the 250ml measuring cylinder (it has a relatively large cross-sectional area compared to a burette). This allows for a greater % inaccuracy if you do not line your eye up correctly with the meniscus. Method2. Sources of error in the titration of lithium hydroxide were: because the Li was not weighed accurately (see above) this would of affected my calculations at the end. Air bubbles in the burette will have affected the titre as will have parallax -this may have been a problem when gauging the volume in the burette (however it has a relatively small cross-sectional area compared to a 250ml measuring cylinder- so is more accurate). But if you do not line your eye up correctly with the meniscus there could be a % inaccuracy. If different batches of acid were used this would have affected the results as well as the concentrations would have been slightly different. Adding Li to the water may have changed the volume also, but I found I had enough to carry out my 4 titrations- just. Another mistake was I left the funnel with which I added the acid in the burette whilst performing the titration. This may have meant extra acid may have been added during the titration. Reliability. I feel that my titrations were reliable as I performed repeats until I had closely matching titres. However I think method 1 was unreliable due to gas loss and in hindsight I would have performed more repeats. Which was more accurate method 1 or method 2? Why was one more accurate than the other? Method 2 (titration) was far more accurate than method 1. This is explained by my above reasons. Far more precise instruments were used in method 2 e. g. a burette instead of a 250ml measuring cylinder. All of my reacting chemicals will have been accounted for in the titration but there was some gas loss in method 1. But if you look at my comparisons you will see there are more serious sources of error in method 1 i. e. placing the bung onto the flask quick enough so that no gas was leaked (no gas involved in method 2) or the fact that 250 ml measuring cylinders are only accurate to 2 ml -anything under this had to be estimated, which by its very nature lacks accuracy (burettes are accurate to 0. 1 ml) etc. Ways to minimise errors, and practical adaptations to improve my experiment.   Reliability could easily be improved for method 1 by performing more repeats (I only did this experiment once! ). I feel method 2 was fairly reliable but again it could be argued that repeats could improve this further.   On method one if you tilt the flask at and angle and place the Li inside so it is not touching the water, and then place the bung and level the tube upwards, the chemicals should mix without gas loss. Also making sure the Li was as pure as possible before weighing to eliminate all oil possible.   Make sure eye is lined with the meniscus and use the smallest instrument possible (with the smallest cross-sectional area possible) to eliminate parallax.   Use instruments with the finest possible gradations to measure volume.   Remove the funnel whilst performing the titration. This will prevent extra acid from being added during the titration   Use the same batch of acid. Then the concentrations will be the same. Air bubbles in the burette removed be titrating.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Socrates :: essays research papers

Socrates   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Socrates was accused of many things in the Athens market. Socrates was accused of being a man who makes the worse argument into the stronger argument. A man who knows about the heavens and earth and therefore any one who believe this must not believe in the gods. Socrates was accused of being an atheist. Most of the people that followed him around his quest were inquisitive. Where as most adults would walk by Socrates with his â€Å"annoying question† the youth stopped to see what he had to say. The youth became his followers when he went out to ask questions that undermined society. Therefore, Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth. I do not believe that Socrates was guilty. For the fact that he was not responsible for the way, other people used what he said. Socrates is the seeker of self-knowledge. He poses the question, â€Å"how can I know about the world if I do not know who I’m†. Then the society says, â€Å"know thyself†. These two sayings sound alike but society has something else in mind, know thyself means that you must know your place in society. Socrates wanted people to find out who they were by themselves and not let society tell them who they were. You have to know how you think and act in certain situation to know yourself. Knowing yourself in a sense helps you in fact know the world. Socrates might have believed it takes time to know yourself rather than just saying you know who you are. Therefore, Socrates went out to find an answer to the question â€Å"What is X?† Socrates asks the question what is piety to man named Euthyphro. Socrates is looking for the universal meaning of what piety is. Euthyphro thought he knew the answer but no such answer was found for that question. Thus in many effo rts like these to find answers to similar question Socrates, began to be disliked by many. In this process, he was undermining society's laws of what was to be true. Socrates wanted people to unlearn what they were previously taught. In the process, he obtains many followers mostly the youth. One man be himself can not corrupt the youth. Socrates did not corrupt the youth. He was just a man searching for the answer to the question of who he was. People decided, of there own free will that they would come and listen to his conversation.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Abortion in Canada Should Remain Legal

â€Å"Abortion is not a crime in Canada but it is an area of the law† (Duhaime, 2010) that isn’t black and white. It has been completely legal since 1988 and our government should keep it that way. For as much as some people are anti-abortion or ‘pro-life’ they need to understand that women have abortions for a variety of reasons one being that an abortion can actually benefit the unborn child. Those who are anti-choice also claim that abortion is wrong because it violates the rights of the fetus, but what about the rights of the woman? It is a woman’s right to decide what she does with her body and though it is much debated; a fetus by logical argument is not a person and does not hold any rights. Finally, even if abortion was made illegal as it was many decades ago, desperate measure to abort unwanted children would be taken by many expecting women, with dire consequences. It is from these four statements that one can say that abortion should continue to be legal in Canada. â€Å"It is not always in the best interest of the child to be born† (Jacob, 2006). A great example comes from the book Abortion under Attack. It features a story from a girl whose father never wanted her. She â€Å"suffered emotional abuse of hearing on a regular basis that she was unwanted and unwelcomed. † (Jacob, 2006) A lot of children are sadly born into this type of unloving environment when a mother is too poor to afford an abortion and doesn’t have the support to take care of the child or when they are born into a strained relationship. When a child is born to parents who don’t want them, would it not have been in their best interest to have been aborted? Rather than be subject to emotional or physical abuse or loveless lives in group homes, they could have never had to experience any of the pain; they never would have known. The fetus is not a conscious being, so when it is aborted it feels no pain; it is as if it never existed. In other cases, a child who born to a woman who heavily used drugs throughout her pregnancy won’t have a fair chance at life. Why put an infant or child through that type of stress and withdrawal. A potential mother who is a heavy drug user should abort any baby that would have been consummated during the times she was using because that will cause unnecessary harm to the unborn child therefore it is not in the best interest of the child to be born. Another instance would be when a couple wants to have a baby but a healthy relationship isn’t in place. By healthy relationship we’re talking about one that isn’t full of anger and violence. If you bring a child into an unhealthy environment, full of negative energy it has a great impact on their development. An example of how negativity can affect the development process is seen in Dr. Emoto’s book Messages in Water. In his book he does an experimental study of whether negative words like â€Å"you fool† have a different effect on water formations than positive words such as â€Å"love† or â€Å"appreciation† (Emoto, 2008). He found that negative phrases and words create large clusters or will not form clusters, and positive, beautiful words and phrases create small, tight clusters. In basic terms negative words and positive words have different effects on the structure of ones make up. So bringing a child into a negative environment isn’t fair to them in two ways, the first being that they weren’t asked to be brought into the situation and the second being that they are going to be emotionally abused or traumatized from the constant violence. From this one could conclude that it would have been in the child’s best interest if they were never born and brought into the situation. â€Å"Only persons have a right to life, human organisms are not persons before birth therefore human organisms do not have a right to life before birth. (Jagger, 2009) A fetus is completely dependent on a mother to survive, if removed from the womb it would die. A human can independently survive when put on its own. So one can conclude that because a fetus is not viable without being attached to something else, it is human-like but not human; if anything it more closely resembles a parasite clinging to a host for life. At birth the fetus becomes human because it can no w independently breathe, move, eat etc. Now a pro-life believer could now say, ‘Would a person who is living off a kidney dialysis machine, and cannot live independently not be a person’? To answer that is the key to why a fetus is not a person. As soon as one can live independently they can be considered to be a person, if after that they become dependent they still remain persons because they have already functioned independently and crossed the line from human organism to human. Almost all of abortions are done in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, and during this time a fetus is not independently viable. The amount of abortions done in the third trimester, or after â€Å"quickening† is such a low percentage it does not make sense to make a law against it because it is so unheard of. The general understanding with an abortion is that you shouldn’t do it after you’ve felt the baby move, or once it is viable. This is a understanding that lies in the morals of humans, there is no need for a law against it because people will 9 out of 10 times make the morally correct decision. In the odd case where a third trimester abortion does occur, it is only done after evaluating all possible options and weighing all the consequences, we need to keep abortion legal so people can make the choice for themselves. Women have been fighting for their rights for decades, and taking ownership of their bodies was part of that. In 1988 Dr. Henry Montagentaler opened up several illegal (at the time) abortion clinics and challenged section 287 of the criminal code which condemned abortion. The Supreme Court ruled that section 287 offended the charter and was no longer in effect. His fight made abortion legal for all Canadian women. (Arthur, 1999) He gave women a choice, the choice to continue the pregnancy and keep the child, continue the pregnancy and give the child away or legally abort the pregnancy. The court case of Daigle v. Tremblay displays this choice in action. In Quebec 1989 Chantal Daigle became pregnant and wanted to abort the baby as she did not feel ready or capable of being a parent but her boyfriend Mr. Tremblay tried to get a court ordered injunction to prevent her from doing just that. His plea was dismissed in the Supreme Court and it became known to all that the father has no legal rights in a mother’s abortion decision, and a fetus is not a person under Quebec law it holds no rights. From this case we can see that a woman’s rights override the rights of a fetus, if it is considered to have any. Women can’t be condemned for abortion because they aren’t doing anything wrong other than fighting for their rights as they’ve done for so many years. People should â€Å"not judge the choices others make,† (Piehl, 2007) as many â€Å"people say that women who have abortions do so for selfish reasons† (Piehl, 2007) but usually they’re wrong as It’s out of love. Many who â€Å"endure the pain of abortion do so to provide the quality of arenting they want for their children that they already have, to ensure financial security or to complete education. (Piehl, 2007) When viewed from this perspective we can see that when a woman gets an abortion she is doing so because she wants the best for her child. Why bring a child into a world where you cannot properly provide for them? From this we can see why abortion can be a good thing and why it should remain legal. â€Å"Between 1926 and 1947, 4000 to 6000 Canadian women died as a result of bungled illegal abortions. (Arthur, 1999) This was due to the lack of resources used by the people conducting the procedure. This in its self, shows us that women are going to dominate their bodies whether it is legal or not, so the best thing to do would be to keep it legal so a safer and cleaner procedure can be offered. â€Å"Childbirth itself is also unusually painful†¦it is hazardous to women’s health and indeed their lives. † (Tooley, 2009) To make a women go through the exquisite pain of childbirth when she may not be ready to mother a child is quite cruel. There are many different procedures for abortion, but all have to be done with care or the life of the mother is put at risk. We need to keep abortions legal so that doctors can be adequately trained in the different procedures and fewer Canadian women will die as a result. A wise man once said â€Å"The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation† in reference to abortion. (Arthur, 1999) Though abortion was illegal up until quite recently we should keep it that way. To take away someone’s choice about their bodies is an infringement on human rights, and the fetus has no rights as it is not a person. We also have to understand that with such a big issue, even if it was made illegal people would continue to do it, so we may as well have them doing it in a safe manner. Abortion is quite a controversial issue in Canada, and all over the world but it should remain legal in Canada because we all need to have a choice, whether it is believed to be moral or immoral is irrelevant; we, as human beings need to have the option to make a choice and live with the decision.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Journey to Life Introduction

My Autobiography â€Å"When my Parents First Met† Sometime in 1974 when Christmas is approaching, accordingly my parents told me that they happened to meet at a certain canteen in Green Hills San Juan, Rizal and came to know each other while they were still studying in College. Late after one year they came to be engaged with each other. Knowing more each family background, and accepted by both. After my father had graduated his course in Manila, they decided with both parental onsent’s to get marry. They went home to Batanes to receive their matrimony of marriage at the Miraculous Medal of Virgin Mary at Itbud, Uyugan, Batanes. In their continuous companionship, in the hardship of living, they were blessed with three children, all girls. They were Cheryl, Richel, and Louelle. Even in their hardship of bringing up my sisters, still they never quit seeking better information which is getting into college. They survived with the effort.My father and mother both graduated the course of Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Accounting at Saint Dominic College, Basco, Batanes, sometime in 1990. For better qualification, they were both employed on level 2 ranked and file positions. My mother is still employed to the now Provincial Agriculturists Office as HRMO-II; and my father has just retired from the DPWH Batanes, their employment helps so much as the source to carry on in racing their first 3 children until they were in college. 6 years later blessed with another baby girl whom my father named Dandy. Dandy means according to him a child who hold up and down sweetly. After weeks, they brought their child to receive her baptism at Saint Dominic Paris Chapel. The child received her baptismal feminine name Dandelle which I am carrying on. I wrote this when I was still in Third Year High School for an Auto biography project. I only included the introduction part of it for my Autobiography is long and I don't want to tell much about me.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How and Why to Comment in Your PHP Code

How and Why to Comment in Your PHP Code A comment in PHP code is a line that is not read as part of the program. Its only purpose is to be read by someone who is editing the code. So why use comments? To let others know what youre doing. If you are working with a group of people or plan on anyone else ever using your script, the comments tell the other programmers what you were doing in each step. This makes it much easier for them to work with and to edit your code if needed.To remind yourself what you did. Although you may just be writing a quick script for yourself and dont see the need for comments, go ahead and add them in anyway. Most programmers have experienced coming back to edit their own work a year or two later and having to figure out what they did. Comments can remind you of your thoughts when you wrote the code. There are several ways to add a comment in PHP code. The first is by using // to comment out a line. This one-line comment style only comments to the end of the line or the current code block, whichever comes first. Here is an example: ?php echo hello; //this is a comment echo there; ? If you have a single line comment, another option is to use a # sign. Here is an example of this method: ?php echo hello; #this is a comment echo there; ? If you have a longer, multi-line comment, the best way to comment is with /* and  */ before and after a lengthy comment. You can contain several lines of commenting inside a block. Here is an example: ?php echo hello; /* Using this method you can create a larger block of text and it will all be commented out */ echo there; ? Dont Mix Comments Although you can nest comments within comments in PHP, do so carefully. Not all of them nest equally well. PHP supports C, C and Unix shell-style comments. C style comments end at the first */ they encounter, so dont nest C style comments.   If you are working with PHP and HTML, be aware that HTML comments mean nothing to the PHP parser. They wont work as intended and are likely to execute some function. So, stay away from:   !Comment

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Souls of Black Folk essays

The Souls of Black Folk essays Author: William Edward Burghardt Du Bois Date of Publication: original publication 1903. Bantam Classic publication July 1989 W.E.B. Du Bois, born in 1868 in Massachusetts, was one of Americas loudest social activists, scholars, and writers. He went to school at Harvard and taught at Wilberforce University as well as Atlanta University for many years. He helped publish many extreme periodicals and eventually converted to communism. He died in Accra on August 27 1963. The Souls of Black Folk, a collection of fourteen self contained stories by the extremist African-American scholar W.E.B. Du Bois written over 100 years ago, is a bleak and thought-invoking look at the lives of the former slaves following Emancipation. It addresses nearly all aspects of life, from religion to poverty to race relations, and how they were changed by the removal of slavery. Some papers take a more historical view while others are nearly in the form of short stories. What makes The Souls of Black Folk one-of-a-kind is Du Bois' overt unobjectivity and blatant socialist writing. He was African American and that gives him quite a different view from white historians of the time. He is sympathetic to the troubles of the slaves and understands with much greater lucidity their daily effort to rise above the slight manipulations of those pitiless enough to take advantage of their weak, somewhat raw position. Du Bois also takes mammoth delight in his race and doesn't waver to allocate all of its undertakings and assistance to American humanity with his readers. Given the popular approach of either apathy or hostility towards African Americans at that time in history, The Souls of Black Folk tries to take some significant steps toward earning deference for black America or at least making others conscious of its optim ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Caesar, Kaiser, and Czar

Caesar, Kaiser, and Czar Caesar, Kaiser, and Czar Caesar, Kaiser, and Czar By Maeve Maddox To begin with, Caesar was a family name. Now, in various forms, it is a generic term for ruler or emperor. In Roman naming practice, a newborn child was given three names (tria nomina). The praenomen was a name like Lucius or Marcus. The second name was the name of the tribe, clan, or gens, such as the Julii or Cornelii. The third name was the cognomen, a nickname that distinguished one branch of a gens from another. Sometimes an adult would adopt a fourth name called an agnomen. This was a nickname he had earned himself. Caesar was the cognomen of the family to which the dictator Gaius Julius Caesar was born. Its origin has been explained in various ways: The cognomen Caesar originated, according to Pliny the Elder, with an ancestor who was born by caesarian section (from the Latin verb to cut, caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesum).[5] The Historia Augusta suggests three alternative explanations: that the first Caesar had a thick head of hair (Latin caesaries); that he had bright grey eyes (Latin oculis caesiis); or that he killed an elephant (caesai in Moorish) in battle.[6] Caesar issued coins featuring images of elephants, suggesting that he favoured this interpretation of his name.[7] (Wikipeda) Julius Caesar himself had a receding hairline so another possible explanation is that his family may have carried the gene of male pattern baldness and the nickname Caesar (hairy) was ironic. When Julius Caesar was killed, his nephew, whom he adopted as his heir, took the name Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus. The Octavianus was his birth name so he kept it. Later on the Senate gave him the agnomen Augustus. Thats the name by which he is known as the first Emperor of Rome. Augustus and his first four successors were related by blood so they all more or less had the right to the name Caesar. After the death of Nero, however, the Empire was up for grabs. In the chaotic year of the four emperors that followed Neros death, the name Caesar became a synonym for ruler. Galba was the first to assume it as a title. (He got to use it for about seven months.) So famous was the title Caesar that it found its way into all the European languages. It was probably the first Latin word adopted by the Germanic languages to which English belongs. The Romans pronounced the word with a hard c and thats how it came into the Germanic languages. If it hadnt been for the immense influence of Norse and French on English during the Middle Ages, the modern English word for caesar would have developed into something like coser. During the time of the close relationship between the English and the Danes, however, the English replaced their own word with the Norse keiser (cayser, kaiser). Then, after the Norman Conquest, when French became the language of the ruling classes in Engand, the French word, with its soft c pronunciation, became the preferred form. Later on, the word Kaiser came into English again, this time as the title of the German rulers. The word Czar, which English speakers use to refer to the Russian emperors, entered the Russian language as Tsar, the Old Slavic version of Caesar: tsesari. The spelling Czar is a respelling of the Russian word with the letters of the Latin alphabet. The spelling with cz was common in European languages because that was how it was spelled the first time it appeared in a European book in 1549, but the French adopted the spelling tsar in the 19th century and the London Times prefers it. In German it is spelled Zar. In the U.S. the word czar is now used to refer to anyone who is in a position of some kind of control. Ex. Drug Czar (either a powerful drug dealer OR a government official supposed to combat drug trafficking); Education Czar. Little Caesar (1931) is the title of an historically significant film in which Edward G. Robinson played a gangster and defined the cinematic crime genre. Such is the continuing charisma of the word that it continues to be used to suggest power and grandeur. The words association with food is probably owing to its Italian origin. (Ex. Little Caesars Pizza.) A Caesars Salad, however, has nothing to do with the late dictator. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the salad is named for Cesar Cardini, a restaurant owner in Tijuana, Mexico who is said to have served the first one in about 1924. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Meaning of "To a T"50 Idioms About Roads and PathsApostrophe with Plural Possessive Nouns

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Favorite Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Favorite Research - Essay Example Contact phone numbers and addresses of the association are also given. 2. this site is hosted by Pension Real Estate Association, the site for institutional investors in real estate ie. Pension funds, endowments, foundations and other funds. The useful information on this site is: b. Research Report under the link "/research/ plansponsorsurvey_2006.pdf" Gives comparative data of 2005 and 2006 on real estate investment actual and targeted. This page also gives the comparative investment strategy of its members. This is very comprehensive information for anyone studying real estate investments. d. The membership is open to institutes (organizations that provide investment management, advisory, consulting, property management, legal, accounting, appraisal or other services to corporate and public pension funds, endowments, foundations, Taft Hartley plans and other institutional investors, not for profit organizations and academic institutions). Rates for membership vary depending upon the status. d. It provides rate information (US Treasuries, repurchase agreements, interest rate swaps, agency securities, mortgage-backed securities, spot FX) and country profiles (country's credit rating, short-term investment alternatives and payment/clearing systems) again for members only.

A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen and Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay

A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen and Trifles by Susan Glaspell - Essay Example They are models that remain significant and relevant in the 21st century. 'A Doll's House' (Ibsen, 1879): Nora seemed a silly, flighty young wife, happy to answer to Torvald: "Has my little spendthrift been wasting money again" (Act 1, p.1). Like a little bird, or small furry creature, needing protection, Nora was in agreement with him, repeating how happy she was, hiding her sweets because he did not permit her to have them. Her concern with money and wealth appeared materialistic, an impression overturned during exchanges with Mrs. Linde and Krogstad. The scrimping, saving and secret work, showed initiative and desire not just to conceal, but to repay the debt. The husband had the real power, and Nora's only power lay in her sexual attraction and apparent helplessness. The stark reality of the situation and the view of women, was clear in his attitude after Krogstad had tried to blackmail Nora: "Almost everyone who has gone to the bad early in life has had a deceitful mother." (Act 1, p.19-20). The affect on Nora "[pale with terror] "Deprave my little ch ildren Poison my home [A short pause, then she tosses her head] It's not true. It can't possibly be true." (Act 1, p. 20), showed how little self-belief she had and how much her husband controlled her, physically, financially and emotionally. Mrs. Linde also denied herself and married a man for money in order to support her mother and siblings, a dutiful but empty existence. Left a penniless widow, she was however, more independent, seeking to work and finally to be part of an equal partnership with Krogstad. She was the catalyst that opened Nora’s eyes to the reality of her sham marriage and to Torvald’s true character. ... She was the catalyst that opened Nora's eyes to the reality of her sham marriage and to Torvald's true character. His behavior reflected the norms of that society, but there are still men today who would react in the same way, if they found their wife to have gone against them in matters of money and reputation. He reactions woke Nora to reality and caused her to take the drastic step of leaving them all. "I have other duties just as sacred Duties to myselfI believe that before all else I am a reasonable human being - just as you are" (Act 3, p. 18) Her decision to leave, even when aware of what she would suffer in that society, was a brave and honest one; Nora had to find her true self and to stop living a lie, and this is what makes the play relevant today. Eight years waiting for a miracle were long enough, so Nora asserted her right to be a person. 'Trifles' (Glaspell, 1916): Minnie Wright, in a stark, loveless relationship, spent a long time doing her duty, as Nora had. The bird motif emphasized her fragility and what she had lost through her marriage. "She was kind of like a little bird herself - real sweet and pretty, but kind of timid - and fluttery. How-she-did-change." (Mrs. Hale, p. 11) Minnie was the little dead bird, the evidence and motive for murdering a harsh, cruel man, as Mrs. Hale explained to the sheriff's wife: "No, Wright wouldn't like a bird - a thing that sang. She used to sing. He killed that too." (p. 13). Like Nora, she had no financial independence, but did her best to be a good wife, as the "trifling" items like preserves, bread making and quilting symbolized. Her life was more lonely and fearful

Friday, October 18, 2019

End of Semester wrap up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

End of Semester wrap up - Essay Example The organisation that has been studied is a healthcare institution. Since healthcare involves the exchange of personal information and various other security concerns that emanate thereafter, the model for information assurance has been strategically placed with goals like training and development, as well as entrepreneurial control that will help in better orientation for the implementation of the system. Risk, in case of varied operational decisions, is seen as a focus of single determinants of behaviour arising from risk theories. (Stephenson, 2004)1 Various unresolved contradictions can be reconciled by examining the usefulness of placing risk propensity and risk proportion in a more central role than has been previously recognised through effective risk assessment programs. Based on such analysis, it is believed that the propensity of risk dominates both the actual and perceived characteristics of the situation as a determinant of risk behaviour. (Stephenson, 2004) Such an observation can safely justify the finding that suggests that apart from being central to any and every business or organisation, risk is something that entrepreneurs in general, are averse to. This can be attributed to the fact that at the end of the day, any loss of information has far reaching implications of its own and is deeply rooted in the genesis of risk taking and management. Coming back to the issue of the risk averse nature of businesses in context of the XYZ organisation, the one question we need to ask before proceeding any further is whether mere risk assessment is enough to act as a strong foundation for resolving all those difficulties arising out of risk management in case of

Run- dmc's impact on rap and society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Run- dmc's impact on rap and society - Essay Example ablished Rush Productions, a hip- hop management Company in the 80’s encouraged his brother Joey to form a rap duo with his friend Darryl McDaniels. They started out as a duo and later roped in another friend called Jason Mizell. The trio introduced a dress culture to suit their fancy and set them apart from the regular dress code. Their style was flashy with hats, untied sneakers and heavy gold chains that greatly appealed to the youth and left a deep impression on their suburban rock fan following. (Simon & Schuster, 2001) Run – D.M.C outshone their predecessors Grandmaster Flash and Whodini by being much more tougher and menacing while using samples from heavy metal and their popular spare beats. They helped to promote rap from a genre that was single oriented to a genre that became officially album oriented. Run – D.M.C was the very first hip – hop artist group to cut full- fledged albums and slowly made it into the mainstream of music. In the course of time Run – D.M.C had spawned many other groups and were even overtaken by them, yet they dedicated themselves to performing even into the 90’s. The group had cut their first single titled â€Å"It’s Like That† in 1983 which sounded like no other rap during that time. By 1985, they had become America’s most popular and influential band after their second album titled â€Å"King of Rock.† This album was succeeded by the R&B single which was a cover for the legendary Aerosmith titled â€Å"Walk This Way† which became Run- D.M.C’s biggest hit single which was recorded using Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler and Joe Perry. This was the very first hip – hop number that appealed to both rappers and rockers alike. This album was followed by their third album titled â€Å"Raising Hell† which became the first rap album to scale to number one on the R&B charts and then even go platinum. There was no turning back now for Run – D.M. C as they strengthened their position as the first rappers to make a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries in Teaching Case Study

Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries in Teaching - Case Study Example Teachers are also governed by boundaries. Boundaries are usually driven by social ethics. Boundaries, roles and responsibilities are qualities within which a teacher’s operations are assessed. Their success in their work is usually reflected by their teaching or training cycle. Generally, teachers should provide a communication means with students in which they find it easy and efficient to communicate and relate to the topics in the study course. The responsibilities and roles vary with time and results from assessments. Results and recommendations from prior assessments are incorporated in the development of new teaching skills and responsibilities. According to Wallace (2007), teachers should have the role of creating a safe learning environment and establishing open and trust relationships with learners. By recording results and assessments, it helps a teacher to keep an update on the changes among the learners which may be useful in setting future objectives and aims (Bid well, 2001). Teachers should take up the role of identifying the need of both the institution and learner. After identification, they should come up with a working framework that suits a learner efficiently and within the stipulated needs of the institutions. The working framework should also be according to the syllabus. Identifying of needs also gives the recommendations on individual or group learning for specific students.

How do quality management systems impact on revenue in the hospitality Research Paper

How do quality management systems impact on revenue in the hospitality industry - Research Paper Example It has been prophesied time and again by various scholars through various studies what Roberts found in 1996 â€Å"businesses who know and understand customers’ priorities for quality improvements can achieve a threefold increase in profitability† (Dale, 2003).This study has been carried out from the revenue generation context of quality systems implementation for hospitality industry. How the various elements of quality help in achieving the increased profitability needs to be analyzed. It is also important to see whether the concepts that help achieve visible improvements in manufacturing sector also produce profitability improvement worth the effort they involve in the hospitality sector or not. 2. RESEARCH QUESTIONS, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 2.1. Research questions identified The major questions which this research aims to answer are - What is the impact of implementing quality management systems in hospitality industry? How do these systems impact the revenues? What are the efforts involved in implementing these systems and are the resources required to implement quality systems justified by the value of the revenues generated? 2.2. Research Aims and Research Objectives The aim of this study is to see how quality management systems impact revenue in the hospitality industry. Study objectives are as follows: 1. To study how quality management systems are implemented in hospitality industry – a general study of the companies. 2. To understand how the quality management systems impacted the parameters of financial performance (a study of the various parameters they impact as well as the means of this impact). 3. To measure the impact... This research paper shows that quality management systems have positive impact on revenues of hospitality industry. It has been observed that this has been achieved by improved market share, brand image, ROI and competitive positioning. However, some concerns regarding the impact of these systems on overall performance of the firms have been highlighted. One of the concerns is the sincerity of implementation of quality management systems within the firms. The industry leaders need to understand that they are the main drivers of change which these systems propose to bring about. Hence, a commitment of words or even documented commitment is not sufficient. The leadership team needs to be thoroughly involved in its implementation. They need to have a quality vision to help firms achieve both revenue and cost benefits. Half hearted efforts, especially in the industry of our study, have found to have a negative impact on operational performance. Our literature review has analyzed all the aspects related to the questions set out in the beginning of our study. Hospitality organizations implement quality management systems by applying for certifications like ISO 9000, etc. or by internal process improvement programs. Some companies in this sector were seen to implement Six Sigma methodologies to reap revenue benefits. Most of the successful organizations in this sector have implemented full computerization which helps the management in analyzing revenue versus cost factors.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries in Teaching Case Study

Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries in Teaching - Case Study Example Teachers are also governed by boundaries. Boundaries are usually driven by social ethics. Boundaries, roles and responsibilities are qualities within which a teacher’s operations are assessed. Their success in their work is usually reflected by their teaching or training cycle. Generally, teachers should provide a communication means with students in which they find it easy and efficient to communicate and relate to the topics in the study course. The responsibilities and roles vary with time and results from assessments. Results and recommendations from prior assessments are incorporated in the development of new teaching skills and responsibilities. According to Wallace (2007), teachers should have the role of creating a safe learning environment and establishing open and trust relationships with learners. By recording results and assessments, it helps a teacher to keep an update on the changes among the learners which may be useful in setting future objectives and aims (Bid well, 2001). Teachers should take up the role of identifying the need of both the institution and learner. After identification, they should come up with a working framework that suits a learner efficiently and within the stipulated needs of the institutions. The working framework should also be according to the syllabus. Identifying of needs also gives the recommendations on individual or group learning for specific students.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Coursework

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - Coursework Example Accordingly, H&M spends resources both financial and human to facilitate programs and ideals which are not principally profit making but touch the lives of people and leave a lasting impact on them. They include engaging in activities and outreach programs which would meet the society in their various points of need as would be identified in various points in time. This is a phenomenon where the business seeks to cover the negative effects occasioned to the environment and the society at large upfront to avoid an even larger effect in subsequent times. It could come in the form of environmental protection and conservancy such as H&M providing seedlings to be planted for future benefits while being alive and cognizant about current costs and risks or threats. (OConnor & Shumate, 2010). For instance most multinational are guilty of environmental degradation and pollution which is a negative externality and a direct cost to the immediate environment. Therefore, the immediate community would form a negative perception and bad will towards such a company. However, the case is different in H&M because protection and conservancy is their core mandate in endearing their product to the local community. Therefore, it is part of H&M to appeal to the local community by taking care of the environment Is the instance where companies such as H&M choose to share their abundance with the less fortunate people in the society by articulating and covering their needs and shortcomings (Dean, 2014). Intuitively, the business also markets themselves in the course of the corporate social responsibility. Apart from creating employment for the disabled H&M provide discount offers to disabled community. The aim basically is to show appreciation and concern to people with special needs. H&M has also invested in programs that create awareness of people with special needs. For instance, H&M buys wheel chairs and white sticks to the less

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Things They Carried Analysis Essay Example for Free

The Things They Carried Analysis Essay The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the novel The Things They Carried by Tim OBrien.   Specifically it will contain a brief analysis of the first chapter of the book.   OBriens use of metaphors of weight and lightness throughout the story develops the readers understanding of the situation the soldiers in the story find themselves in. Author OBrien fought in Vietnam and so he writes about the men and the war from experience, and it shows in this moving novel.    The opening chapter, The Things They Carried, introduces the men, and allows the reader a glimpse into the real, everyday war these young men fought in Vietnam.   Twice within the first few pages OBrien talks about the death of Ted Lavender while contrasting his death with the lightness of the things he carried with him in his rucksack. OBrien uses the metaphor of humped to show the weight of the things the soldiers carry, but he also uses it to show the emotional baggage they carry with them into the war, such as Jimmys Cross unreturned love for Martha back home.   OBrien writes of Jimmys love, Almost everyone humped photographs.   In his wallet, Lieutenant Cross carried two pictures of Martha (OBrien 4).   Later, he uses the metaphor again when he writes of Lieutenant Cross responsibility to his men. He writes, He carried a strobe light and the responsibility for the lives of his men (OBrien 5).   OBrien makes the weight of these responsibilities seem light, but uses the metaphor to show how weighty they really are.   Clearly, Cross quite understands the weight of his responsibility, and he does not take it lightly.   He knows his men trust him with their lives, and if he makes the wrong decision his men could pay the ultimate cost, they could give up their lives because he makes a mistake.   And that is the ultimate weight that rests on Lieutenant Cross, and it is much heavier than his rucksack. OBrien spends a lot of time on the guns and ammo they carried and the weight of these items.   That is because the soldiers lives depend on these items, which gives them additional weight in the story.   Showing the amount of ammo and other items they carry also shows their fear and some of the conditions they faced as soldiers in Vietnam.   Their situation is far from light, it is very heavy, and they know it. Any of them could die at any moment.   The Vietnamese knew the jungles and the terrain and the Americans did not.   They could be surprised and ambushed at any time.   OBrien shows the soldiers fear in the large amount of weapons and ammo they carry, and also shows they do not actually mean much.   Ted Lavender dies carrying more ammo than anyone else, so the weight of the ammo did nothing to help him save his own life.   That is the fear all the men face – that they have no control over the situation around them, and any of them could die, just like Lavender did. Most important of the things they carry is the weight of memory OBrien talks about in the chapter and notes that is one weight they share.   They cannot forget many of the horrible things they have seen, or that they could be the next one.   They cannot forget their situation because it is the only reality they know for now. That is also too weighty for some of them, so they make jokes about their predicament and try to escape by drinking, using drugs, or thinking about memories back home.   Jimmy Cross has his false memories of Martha that he carries with him, and all the others have memories of something, too.   These memories can weigh the men down if they let them.   Cross thinks his memories helped get Lavender killed because he was not paying attention. OBrien also uses descriptive language to show their surroundings.   He writes, They carried the sky.   The whole atmosphere, they carried it, the humidity, the monsoons, the stink of fungus †¦ (OBrien 15).   OBrien puts the reader right into the jungle with the men.   Using metaphor, description, and language, he makes the reader feel the fear of the men and feel as if they know and understand these men and the things they carry.    References OBrien Tim. The Things They Carried

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Brian Clark uses a number of techniques to dramatise the Euthanasia Ess

Brian Clark uses a number of techniques to dramatise the Euthanasia Debate in his play, Who's Life is it Anyway Brian Clark uses a number of techniques to dramatise the Euthanasia Debate in his play, "Who's Life is it Anyway". Euthanasia is the means by which a person has the freedom of choice over whether they live or die. In the play there are two main arguments concerning this issue. One argument saying that a patient has the right to make this decision of life and death and on which disagrees and says the patient should not have this choice. Two characters in the play represent the two central arguments. First of all there is Ken, Ken believes that he should have the right to choose to die, it is his life, he says that his whole life before his accident was sculpture, and now that he cannot sculpt because he is paralysed below his neck, he will never be able to sculpt again: 'I'm almost completely paralysed and always will be. I shall never be discharged by the hospital.' According to Ken his life is already over: 'Of course I want to live but as far as I am concerned, I'm dead already†¦I cannot accept this condition constitutes life in any real sense at all.' 'Any reasonable definition of life must include the idea of it being self-supporting.' Ken only wants the dignity in death: 'each man must make his own decision. And mine is to die quietly with as much dignity as I can muster'. Ken also argues that he is not asking his lawyer to make a choice over his life or death, just to represent his views to the hospital: 'I'm not asking you to make any decision about my life and death, merely that you represent me and my views to the hospital.' Ken argues that the real matter to be discussed is the ind... ...ise the full impact of what he has been fighting for. He will no longer be there once he has won his case. Ken will cease to exist. This helps us to understand why some people are anti-euthanasia, and what grave consequences it has and why euthanasia is an extreme solution to take. The theatre offers many possibilities of visualising and dramatising this debate, the medical and legal jargon used in the two acts of the play, the physical space of the stage and the lighting in combination, the black comedy of Ken, the exits and entrances of different characters that are used as mouthpieces of different views on the debate. Issues are raised in the play as they could not be in prose. There is a suspension of disbelief, a contract between the playwright and the audience makes sure that the issues are well explored and continue to be in a 30 year-old debate.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay on Setting in Poes The Masque (Mask) of the Red Death :: Mask Masque Red Death Essays

Use of Setting in The Masque of the Red Death  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "...In the black chamber the effect of the fire-light that streamed upon the black hangings through the blood-tinted panes was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who entered, that there were few of the company bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all" (210). This quote serves to demonstrates Edgar Allan Poe's descriptive abilities. In "The Masque of the Red Death" Poe gives much detail about the setting. Poe uses detail about the setting to make the story believable, to add irony to the story, and to create an atmosphere appropriate for the appearance of the "Red Death."    In retrospect, "The Masque of the Red Death" is not a vary believable story. However, Poe's description of the setting presents the reader with such a realistic image of the scene that the reader cannot help but believe the story when first it is first read. The reader is manipulated by the author into believing that the story could actually be true. Poe accomplishes this manipulation by describing the setting in great detail. Seemingly half of the story is setting, rather than actual action. Poe begins with description of the 'Red Death,' proceeds to describe the 'castellated abbey,' and finally the 'imperial suit.' By paying such close attention to detail, the author has created a believable image in the mind of the reader. The creation of such believable aspects of the story is important. Within this believable image, the unbelievable arrival of the masked figure (the "Red Death") gains credibility. Without such believable aspects, the arrival of such a presence would not be credible.    Poe uses setting to create irony in the story. The description of the castellated abbey includes the facts that, "a strong and lofty wall girdled it," and that the gates had been welded shut (209). Both the high wall and the welded gates were intended to keep the Red Death out of the castle, when, ironically, they actually trapped it inside. Poe leaves clues to the reader that this may occur. He includes the statement that the welded gates prevent "egress" as well as "ingress." Furthermore, a girdle is typically used to hold something in, rather than keep something out.

Friday, October 11, 2019

“the Effects of Diversity on Business Performance: Report of the Diversity Research Network”

Crimson Miller MGT 492 Dr. Turnipseed February 19th, 2010 â€Å"The Effects of Diversity on Business Performance: Report of the Diversity Research Network† Article Critique #1 In this article the Business Opportunities for Leadership Diversity (BOLD), The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Foundation came together to examine the effects diversity has on a business and the business’s performance. I agree with the article in that diversity can have a positive and/or negative effect on businesses and their performances. In many ways diversity can be a positive influence on companies and company performances because diversity allows for creativity, challenging others’ ideas, and avoidance of â€Å"group think†. Diversity in business can allow for a wide range of competitive moves from new ideas and differences in cultures. The better the range of knowledge and skill the more innovative and creative employees typically are in organizations. On the other hand diversity can be a major negative effect on business in that it can cause barriers to communication between employees. Employees that cannot communicate with one another do not work well together; many times become confrontational with each other, and many times are not working towards the same goals because of misperceptions. There may be a language barrier, a culture barrier, a religion issue, or even a knowledge or skill difference that makes working as a team less successful. The sample the organizations were able to obtain in the study, used as a base for this report, was a small sample size but I think that the study was very conclusive. In most situations people from a different background will bring new ideas and compete with each other to create a competitive advantage. Yet, if you put a group of people together that do not understand one another the communication will be difficult which may lead to confusion, frustration, or no communication at all. In conclusion I believe the findings of this study were very accurate even in a much larger scale then have been presented.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Directions for “Cognitive Development” Essay

1. Access the textbook website: 2. Click on the PsychSim Tutorials link 3. In the left column, find Chapter 04 â€Å"Psychsim5: Cognitive Development† and click on this link. Click on â€Å"Cognitive Development† and begin the tutorial. Answer the questions and attach to the email in IT’S LEARNING. This is due no later than midnight Tuesday, September 22. Late submissions will be deducted 20 pts per school day late. PsychSim 5: COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Name: Faye Simshauser This activity describes Piaget’s theory of the growth of intelligence and simulates the performance of three children of different ages on some of Piaget’s tasks. Schemas 1. What are schemas? -A schema is the way we make sense of the world by organizing what we know into a mental framework. 2. Explain the difference between assimilation and accommodation. -Assimilation means incorporating new experiences into our existing framework or understanding. When we encounter a new situation, we first try to apply your existing schemas, and then we see what happens. If it fits well into our old schemas, we are satisfied. But if the new experience  doesn’t fit, we need to modify our schemas. This process of adjusting our old frameworks is called accommodation. Sometimes we only need to make slight modifications in our schemas. In other situations we may need to make major changes, or even create new schemas. 3. Suppose that a 15-month-old toddler has learned to call the four-legged house pet a â€Å"doggie.† What do you think would happen if the child sees a horse for the first time? Is the child likely to call the horse a â€Å"horsie† or a â€Å"doggie† or a â€Å"doggie-horse† or some other term? Write your best guess in the space below, and add a sentence explaining why you think the child would use that term to refer to the horse. -The child after seeing a horse for the first time will call it a â€Å"doggie† because of its existing schema with associating four-legged animals with dogs. Stages of Development 4. What are some characteristics of a child in the sensorimotor stage of development? -In the sensorimotor stage of development, the child’s intelligence is consumed with mostly sensations and motor skills. The child’s thoughts are limited to the sensations being experience and the objects being acted upon that moment. 5. What is object permanence? -Object permanence is the awareness that things continue to exist even when out of sight. 6. What are some cognitive limitations of preschoolers? -Although able to think symbolically and gain memory and language developments, preschoolers still lack certain mental operations that form the basis of adult logic. The children make errors on problems that involve changes in the appearance of objects. 7. What is egocentrism? -Egocentrism is the inability to take another’s perspective or point of view into account. Egocentrism is the reason why children stand in front of the television sometimes when others are watching behind them; they think that  everyone can see what they see.

Review of Operations Management

Introduction and Organizational Background Methodology Limitations of Research Literature Review Motivation and Culture Employee Reward Conclusion Recommendations References Need for Strategic Human Resource Procedures for Effectiveness Operation Management in Lead Way Business Group International.This report Is an evaluation of Lead Way Business Group International (ALIBI) a general business multinational servicing firms, human resource practices to see if it effective and follows best international best practices, in relation to its rewarding employees performance and what system sand strategies it uses to engage its staff towards achieving Its goals and objectives as a business. The challenges that ALIBI face is that of its operation management in its call centre department.Recent changes in its management structure of the centre has led to a decline In profits. It needs to adopt a strategic Human Resource strategy to be able to maintain its customer base and ultimately its profit s. To achieve get a holistic view of its Human resource policies and practices a robust examinations was undertaking o identify the level of motivation and the attitudinal disposition of the staff of the at different level from the Executive team to the newest recruit to the company .As with most companies in its industry Lead Way aim and drive for doing business 1 org that its clientele demand and also the in order to fulfill its obligation as a whole Lead Way has a relatively highly motivated team of employees this may be as a result of its qualities of leaders and managers in the Human Capital division however some variances occur in the level of enthusiasm in all the other parts of the company this s due to an ongoing reposition and change management process being implanted in the company.On paper it strategy to encourage performance is effective as it uses regular appraisal tools to assess the performance of its staff to meet the need its business targets This submission of the evaluation of Lead Ways has highlighted minored for the company to meet is business target and save cost and deliver on quality it most lay emphasis on its staff training and human capital development and change the over culture to one that it becomes a learning organization which is considers employee involvement and engagement is paramount to ensure improvement in service delivery.Managing the Operations at Lead Way employee is the role of the managers who have the task of doing it effectively by making it a fundamental part of its operations by emphasis development and progression in career and also recognition for outstanding performance. In order to achieve its Organizational goals and business targets its Operations management policies must work hand in hand with its human resource objectives too. 1.Introduction and Organizational Background Lead Way Business Group International is in a highly competitive service based industry that demand innovation , creativity , service de livery excellence which are all dependent upon the performance of employees in its organization. As a result it need to have start performing at optimal level in the next ray in line with is change management agenda to transform the firm to expand and begin to expand to other international territories . Arrives to its client from Office supplies, Sales Outsourcing, International Freight services to business management Consultancy it employees over 100 employees in 3 different cities and seeks to expand to it forth in Africa The heart of the business is error in its slogan called â€Å"Servicing Your Business Needs Efficiently'. It business target is to be a leader in providing business services of Medium and Large cooperation's in the areas it is situated also providing global business insights due to its international presence.Efficiency being at the heart of Lead Ways business ethos demands that performance of its staff is at optimal level all the time in-order to also meet its b usiness targets. Lead Way Business Service is a new generation sustainable social enterprise whose profits are reinvested in it, how its aim is to serve small start- p entrepreneurs and medium scale business to grow them to foster economic development.So its business with a heart as a result. Its main objective is not profit making but rather have to do with more socio political Issues which are influenced but changing technology, environmental and legal issues and also governmental policy changes (Slack et al,1995) As Lead Way is an international group and runs diverse services, to underpin its success it has a very elaborate human resource system that caters for the need of its employees.It is very effective and supports the rest of the organization in reaching TTS business objectives through various human capital development plans and procedure and people management strategies. Peculiar to its multicultural and multi-location set up it has HER challenges always arising from misco mmunication and due to language barriers and personal relation problems, employee motivation staff welfare and attendance takes a lot of its productive time.There need to be a shift from such elementary but important issues to much more strategic and pro- growth and developmental issues that HER can contribute too , to ensure that the company tests its growth and service objectives In order to have a clear picture of the company's performance and how the employee engagement and motivation contribute to it, an in-depth look at its performance management practices is essential. There are a range of services provided by Lead Way delivered by both skilled and unskilled staff and there are key performance indices that are used to asses performance.Everyone employed manual staff, volunteers, part time and full time start are all appraised and the Performance Management Framework is the basis of this report. Terms of Reference This report aims to establish and asses the following The Manag ement of Operations in the call centre of ALIBI The effect and influence of HER polices and procedures on Operations in LABS! The Strategies for employee motivation and engagement within the company 1. In order to get a god understanding of the organizational culture in relations to performance of the Operations management framework a simple research was undertake of different types of employees ranging from the skilled to the unskilled managers to the new entry staff and they were asked to give their own view of the HER raciest and how it impacted them from different point of views Things that were sought after where the level of staff motivation and their attitude toward their work and how it affected communication, relationships and the culture of and within the organizations.It is essential to find out the relationship that exist if any of staff attitude/motivation, Strategic Human resource management and the overall Performance management Strategy for the organization and to ac hieve this both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. 1. 2 Limitations of Research Some of the limitations face during this research had to do with the different actions of the staff as some were office based and others where site based so the working culture couldn't be duly ascertained holistically Also the samples size of the employees form various levels was limited.And due to the fact that the CEO of the organization was not physically present during the research and it was not commissioned by the organization. They were reluctant in provide all the support to reach a more conclusive and deductive results, Limited time and space was giving. Sam Lewis & Thrill (2007) view of methods of data collection formed t the basis of nagging valuable insight that involve data collection and triangulation will assist in seeing if the figures and data match up with the perception and reality of the employees. 2.Literature Review – Operations Management According to Josep h G . Monks (2004. ) Operations Management is governed by polices that are stipulated by the management of an organizations It governs the predefined flow of resources in a systematic manner in a controlled environment to create a valuable service or product that meets the consumers' needs and the organizations objectives Source http://www. Mandarin. Com/operation/ 27370849x_IPPP . PDF Two things are paramount which are the resources and systems. Resources which may include but are not limited to human I. E. He use of intellectual knowledge in planning and coordination of the process, capital I. E. Cash , stocks , store values etc. And material I. E. Physical inventories, supplies, plants etc. That are injection in the production process. Systems relate to components of management for the achievement of the objectives of the organization as a whole. For there to be efficiency there has to be a systematic approach to everything from problem solving o achieving goals Operations manage ment refers to the administration of business practices to create the highest level of efficiency possible within an organization.Operations management is concerned with converting materials and labor into goods and services as efficiently as possible to maximize the profit of an organization. Performance is important, and the optimization of the performance of employees and seeks to address, for there to be a harmonies operation of system and people a comprehensive Human Resource policy and procedure my in place to oil the wheels of efficiency. Pawpaw (2005) research looks at effect of HARM on Performance management and the focus should not be on policy creation to drive performance alone but also in addition to that their implementation.In relations to other internal and external environmental factors. The question now is how do you measure performance? Performance Management is as Newly (1998) is about evaluation the of past action because past action is always a good determinate of present performance. It also involves picking, defining and applying of key bench marks for performances, factors which are used to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the process. Fine & Sender (1999). Len any organization the main objective are quality, flexibility, dependability, cost and Speed .And a good reflection of if the company of meeting this objectives will be measured in its financial performance Self-Assessment Model of Performance Measurement Jackson, Zaire & Whammy (1998) describe the self-assessment model as a tool that is foundational to effectiveness of any company business or organizations, because it gives full and clear view of activities and it also facilitates constant improvements. This is because it links organization performance with customer satisfaction, financial reference sphere headed by strategic planning.For there to be strategic planning a concrete HARM strategy must be employed The management must be cognizance of these factors and as a result create systems in the operation management process that would engage employees and keep them motivated to undertake the work at hand. So what is good Human Resource management in relation to operation management? Janssen and Stewart (2008) see human resource management as a set of social and cultural practices in every organization in to effectively manage the human capital taking into consideration the level and skill of employees, motivation , etc.They also say that it is easy to assume that employee and employers are working together toward a specified goal but in reality this must be subjected it the individual Interpretation and engagement with the HARM practices and how it motivates, engages or disengages them. Best HARM practice where explored by Thereof, Programs and Catalogue (2007). And it was discover that knowledge management and organizational learning are important contributors, they also suggest that HARM best practice leads to the effective running of and or ganization and that in turn performance of operations management.So there is a link between best HARM practices and peak performing Operation Management Systems in organizations. However these HARM policies and procedures must be continually monitored and buttressed to ensure they meet their specified objectives. Strategic HARM should always compliment Strategic Operations Management which aims at playing an active role working towards constant improvement to move to the next level of service delivery and empowering other sectors of the company play an active role in the overall strategy There are three main types of strategy employed Corporate, business ND functional level strategy.Slack & Lewis (2001) see strategic operation as decision objectives taking into consideration it resources and its ability to meet ever growing market. Demands The Hayes and Wheelwright Model (1998) can be used to identify how effective the organization is as a whole and how operations affect this from a strategic stand point It has 4 stages I-Internal neutrality (being unable to contribute to effectiveness) & 2-External neutrality (comparisons with external companies) 3- Internally supportive (employing best practices for credible effective operations) & 4- Externally supportive (looking how operation can be a driver of cooperate strategy).For the purpose of this study we are going to be looking at the operation management of the office supply department of Lead Way Business service and in particular we would be looking at how it effective the operation are managed in its customer service department of its office supplies division In recent time there have been a lot of complaints from customers about the poor level of service delivery of the customer service team and this intern has affected the performance of the company as people are now taking their business somewhere else Last year in an attempt to save cost company outsource it s customer service operation to India and were able to save a lot off money .In the initial stage the initial stage the Indian company Tolerance India which they part own having substantial amount of shares in seem to be dependable and delivered on quality and it seemed their business approach was quite innovative compared to their competitors at the moment as they were also offering online chat support service for customers who order their services online. But in recent time there has been a drop in the quality of service. They had a new management team come in and changed most of the way he company operates and has also cut down lots off staff as a they have lost the advantage of flexibility and they are unable to meet the growing demand in calls and the online response time has slowed down drastically and the average call waiting time is minutes instead of the 4 minutes last year and 2 minutes average when it was based in the ask.Customers have been posting negative reviews and feedback on the internet and this has drasticall y affected their office supplies business services There is also the issue of language barrier that man Britons and English people say hey have difficulty understanding the ascents of the Indian employees and in some recent cases their English is very bad and as a result communication is gravely impaired. Discussion and Analysis of the HER strategies for Effect operations management in ALIBI This report would be assessing how the operations quality of service can be improved The major problem not uncommon to LABS managers is staffing level. A times demand falls and they need lest staff and a times it rises and they need more staff How can they maintain cost and quality and also be flexible in the staffing need to meet their consumers expectations dependably.They need to be able do an efficient long-tern forecast of demand for services to be able to avoid problems so they would have a good number of agents at all times. This must be done several week and even months in ahead and in c onjunction with HER department to be able to operation management process. These are the inputs into the system and selection of adequately trained staff with the necessary skill is essential for the running of an internal call centre and how do y Characteristic of call centers is high turnover rate and also seasonal workers. How do you balance cost of training staff that would eventually leave the company and the emend for service from the customers.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Burning of Fossil Fuels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Burning of Fossil Fuels - Essay Example This act has been faced by many criticisms but at the same time the environmentalists have deemed it necessary for reducing global warming. In this paper we shall discuss the pros and cons of this EPA policy and its impact on the environment as well as its social impacts. The burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil, has led to emission of greenhouses in excessive amounts. Although the green house is essential for our survival as it keeps the earth surface warmer but release of excessive gasses in the atmosphere will increase the temperature of the Earth’s surface from 3.2 to 7.2?F above 1990 levels by the end of this century. This will not have an adverse effect on the environment but will also badly affect people, plants and animals. The Federal government of U.S is continuously working towards its aim to stop global warming. Many measures are been taken by them, one of which is reduce the emissions of CO2 by the coal power plants and encouraging the use of natural gas for power plants. These measures are definitely necessary for preserving the environment. It will save thousands of lives from various diseases- heart and lung diseases, malaria, smog diseases, chronic bronchitis, asthma, severe coughs and so on. Our children will grow up as healthier individuals without having to face the diseases in their childhood. Furthermore it will restore back the nature to its original form.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Working Capital and Financial Environment Paper Essay

Working Capital and Financial Environment Paper - Essay Example The total amount is $10493m. They are collectable within a year. Current liabilities - is another balance sheet item. It is the sum of money owed by an organization that is due for payment within a period of one year. For GlaxoSmithKline, current liabilities for year 2005 as given in the financial statements include elements such as: - Trade and other payables - trade payables, wages and salaries, social securities, other payables, deferred income, customer return and rebate accruals, other accruals, dividends payable, derivative financial instruments - $1,0091.7m Financial regulators such as IFRS body are seen as international marks quality and transparency and thus boost the image of the reporting Entity (Michael W. Maher, William N. Lanen, Madhav V. Rajan. 2004). 4. Mitigation of risks. Effective control also ensures that risks are identified early and assessed properly inorder to come up with timely mitigation plans. This is because it is not possible to completely eliminate risks in such areas as research and development where it's not certain whether investment will bear significant returns.. 7. Control programs also ensure group's compliance with audit functions, as well as regulations and ethical codes of practice. This ensures the integrity of financial statements (Horngren, C., Sundem, G. and Elliott, J. (1991). (i) GSK has... Cash and cash equivalents Short term investments Accounts receivables Short term loans Inventories Pre-paid expenses and taxes Assets held for sale Total current assets = $41,896m (Pfizer financial reports 2005) Current liabilities - This is money owed by the company and repayable within one year. For Pfizer Inc. current liabilities include: - Short term borrowings ($11,589) Accounts payables ($2,226)m Dividends Payables ($1,772)m Income tax payable ($3,617)m Accrued compensations and related items ($1,720)m Other current liabilities ($7,522)m Liabilities held for sale ($2)m Total current liabilities are given as $28,448m = 28.45 billion dollars Working capital is therefore $41,896 - $28,448 = $13,448 = $13.45 billion b. Explain the functions of intermediaries and financial regulatory bodies with the company. Functions of intermediaries and financial regulators Financial regulators such as IFRS body are seen as international marks quality and transparency and thus boost the image of the reporting Entity (Michael W. Maher, William N. Lanen, Madhav V. Rajan. 2004). They provide a platform for comparison of similar companies in same Industry and therefore boost standardization. They also enhance financial reporting ensuring that companies understand risk controls and management and understand the impact of finance in business activities. They ensure compliance of set rules and regulations within the particular industry. C. Determine the importance of control programs and effective internal control techniques to the selected organization. Discuss the impact of the 2002 Sarbanes- Oxley Act. For GlaxoSmithKline good control programs are important due to the following reasons: - 1. They enable the board to present a balanced and

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Value nd Utility Differ Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Value nd Utility Differ - Research Paper Example The need for strategic management in public sector has made organization to become more accountable for achieving best value performance and within a market concentrated arena. â€Å"It is perceived that the  government can benefit from private sector management and obtain better value for money  than by embarking on an infrastructure project by itself, using traditional public ownership and procurement methods† (Lienert, 2009, p. 16). In the public sector, value relate to production of goods and service to generate an influence on socio economic problems affecting the society at large. Value is ascertained by an authorizing background, enabling public organizations to influence its utility and provide the necessary finance. The concept of utility of the approach concerns with professional administration in an organizational form, which in any case applies to be a good feature for many public sector organizations. By persuading managers to concentrate on a limited number o f procedures it aims to support precision and utility of strategy accomplishment. In a public sector production processes create value addition in all of the world’s high technology production. Benefit derives from a trade surplus in revenues from production processes and technology. ... hly distinguished customer experience that eliminate dissatisfaction and brings happiness to customers and increase market share besides facilitating higher revenue growth. BlueJay Manufacturing Company is at crossroads in its development. As the business expands, they faced a crisis: too much business. BlueJay's in recent time product launches are more in demand than had been anticipated by the senior leadership team (SLT). Consequently, they were struggling to find methods to meet that higher demand. BlueJay worked hard during recent years to develop its once tarnished quality image, and the SL Team felt that this approach was the best method to maintain sufficient control of both quality and cost. On the other hand, with product demand now rising radically, a different tact must be considered. Beyond integrating the risks of outsourcing into the assessment, compare the in-house expenses to the supplier proposals BlueJay wants to completely capture the total life cycle expenses for finishing the work with in their own resources and hence outsourcing decision is not made on buy price alone. Though BlueJay does desire to keep the job inside, it necessitated considerable capital investment Butler decided that he wants a cross-functional group with representation from the other departments in the company and feels that he particularly requires the finance group and those entire experts in financial analysis for assessing the production versus purchase decision for the proposal to be given to the SLT. The supply chain program at leading utilities has altered substantially in current years. The original focus on savings cost and organizational effectiveness has evolved, with increased activity across every utility sectors, to confront the challenges of supply, cost

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The History of the United States Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The History of the United States - Research Paper Example The civil war arose when the US people fought over power, land. (Burke 12). The Southerners felt threatened since they were thriving well in the slave trade. They feared the north might interfere with the growth of the trade which was booming at that time. It might be said with conviction that it is indeed slave trade that leads to the division of America into two, but there are other reasons. At that time, the Southerners whose daily lifestyle relied much on plantation farming and could, therefore, not do without slaves and the slave trade. They wished that it could grow and even spread in the west. In the contrary, the northerners who were politically and economically doing well posed a threat to the Southerners. So for the survival of the union of the American state, it was necessary that the slave trade was not tempered with, but left to grow (Burke 27). However, in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln became president, the union of American states came to a point where enough is enough. Wh en he publicly made his intentions clear to stop growth of the slave trade but not slavery, he compelled South Carolina followed by six other American southern states to withdraw from the union. This lead to the Civil war that lasted for four years after the seven states united and named Jefferson Davis there president. On15th of April 1861 due to break up of the states there followed a lot of fights and states of unrest battles with the first reported incidence being on July 21st 1861. At this point nothing, much could be done to stop the war anticipated. President Lincoln gave a decree that soldiers be reinforced around Fort Caswell and Fort Johnson but was all in vain due to luck of cooperation from some of the states like Missouri, North Carolina and Tennessee (Finney 33). There was some response to the president’s order from some companies from Pennsylvania who offered and provided soldiers on the 18th of April 1861. Between 18th and 19 of April soldiers managed a little to destroy points where weapons were kept in Virginia. At this juncture, President Lincoln pronounced the closer of states belonging to the Confederate. When the soldiers of the Union dared to pass through the Confederate states, Baltimore soldiers went on a rampage as a retaliate gesture. This made Lincoln add more closure by including Virginia and North Carolina in the list of sates closed. On the 20th of April 1861, there was an attempt by the Federal soldiers to Attack Virginia among other states. However, there was help by the Confederates who happened to save a lot of valuable staffs making the Federal soldiers retreat. On the seventh 25th of April the same year there was more reinforcement in Washington DC. On 29th, an election was held (Keifer 46). The governor was given the power to select commissioners by the Legislative body at Tennessee so the commissioners can be in accordance with the Confederacy. Voters who were supporting the re-evaluation of the conditions leading to the breakup of the United States Where joined hand in hand by The North Carolina legislative body. In May 17th North Carolina and Confederacy join hands. The voting was only restricted among the legislative body, and the citizens were not allowed to participate (Long 77). Conclusion A lot of activities was done at the legislative level most of which were being decided by the power of the ballot box. In the war, many civilian lost their lives; the national government became stronger

Friday, October 4, 2019

Absenteeism & Motivation Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Absenteeism & Motivation Theories - Essay Example employees are not only required to contribute to their level best in their organizations but also required to show loyalty to the place where they earn from, so in order to get maximum from them and in order to utilize their talents at best, motivation is playing a tough role, so that employees keep on moving in the right dimension, they should think and work for their achievements as well as the organization's achievement and they should not give up in life ever.Keeping in view the growing needs of employees there are so many motivational theories that have taken place in the present day organizations, a lot of employees get motivated using such theories, in this discussion we would be discussing few of these theories that are useful for the employees in the given case, the main concerns would be on Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y, while other useful theory would be Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Both these theories work hand in hand for preventing stress and absenteeism in t he employees of organizations, mostly the stress has been found in financial institutions, yet many other industries have the employee issues. . McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Theory X The assumption, which says that employees who dislike work are lazy, they dislike responsibility, and they must be coerced to perform well. This should be relatively more discussed in this case because either way the organization should be concerned with taking out work from the employees but it could be so wonderful if employees do not need any such dose and they somehow get shifted to Theory Y. Theory Y The assumption, which says that employees who love their work are creative, they seek responsibility and they can exercise self-direction. The organizations should try to bring their employees under this theory naturally and this is what we would be discussing. Douglas McGregor gave two different views of human beings, the first view is the negative view and is known as theory X, the other view is positive and is known as theory Y, the entire explanation of the theory says that the manager shows his or her behavior according to certain assumptions, the theory X would be the effective one here, as the employees are assumed to be forced to work, the four basic assumptions for theory X are, 1. Employees inherently dislike work and whenever possible, will attempt to avoid it. 2. Since employees dislike work, they must be coerced, controlled, or threatened with, punishment to achieve goals. 3. Employee will avoid responsibilities and seek formal direction whenever possible. 4. Most workers place security above all other factors associated with work and will display little ambition.Now lets have a look at the assumptions of theory Y that is not applicable in this case because of the fact that employees are not hardworking and not devoted to their work. But the organization has to bring them in this category. 1. Employees can view work as being as natural as rest or play. 2. People will exercise self-direction and self-control if they are committed to the objectives. 3. The average person can learn to accept, even seek, responsibility. 4. The ability to make innovative decisions is widely dispersed through out the population and is not necessarily the sole province

Thursday, October 3, 2019

4 Actual Concepts In American Society Essay Example for Free

4 Actual Concepts In American Society Essay Explain at least 4 actual concepts that you see in our American Society today that were mentioned in 1984.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Orwell’s groundbreaking dystopian novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, may or may not have been composed as a futuristic novel, portending political and sociological phenomena. Whether or not Orwell intended his novel to predict future trends or simply illuminate existing realities, a number of the political concepts portrayed in the novel have real-life connotations even in a democratic society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Nineteen Eighty-Four, telescreens exist in every household and also in public areas. Additionally, hidden microphones and cameras are spread out through the public and private domains to catch any potential enemies of the state. In contemporary America, video cameras have been installed in public areas: notably in inner-cities and also in the suburbs.   An article by Lynn Marotta examines the ver-increasing number of public surveillance and the seemingly public ambivalence about such tactics: What started as a simple way to monitor security around the perimeter of public places has evolved to a point where anyone can install a hidden video camera and monitor that video from anywhere in the world directly over the Internet. In addition, the integration of traffic cameras, and face recognition software give law enforcement the ability to track and identify virtually anyone without us even knowing it. See more: Beowulf essay essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Marotta).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Orwell also posits the concept of â€Å"doublethink† in Nineteen Eighty-Four. â€Å"Doublethink† is the ability to hold contradictory beliefs simultaneously, to forget facts which contradict this ability. â€Å"Doublethink† is one of many examples in Nineteen Eighty-Four which demonstrate the power language has over thought and belief systems. American culture is rife with examples of â€Å"doublethink;† perhaps the most notable contemporary example is the widespread and contradictory beliefs in America’s military power, with the nation’s population able to â€Å"believe† simultaneously that America is the world’s greatest iltarty power, worthy of invading and occupying foreign countries and policing the world, and ye we are told again and again how vulnerable we are and how dangerous are our enemies: North korea, Iran, and radical Islam to name a few.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another Orwellian concept: â€Å"the Two Minute Hate† showed the enemies of the Party on a huge video screen with all manner of perversion and aggression, set to inspire terror among the population of Oceania. The American counterpart to the â€Å"two Minute Hate† can witnessed on any channel’s nightly news when individuals such as the Iranian President or the â€Å"insurgent leader† Al Sadr are shown as menacing threats to the American way of life and also as the progenitors of the Iraqi war, when it was actually the U.S. who invaded and has brought terror and ruin to the Iraqi state and population. Nineteen Eighty-Four posits language as a key aspect of thought manipulation. Nowhere is this idea more explicit than in Orwell’s concept of â€Å"newspeak.† This is language reduced to remove any sense of liberation or specificity in speech or thought. An example of newspeak at work in contemporary America is the sue of the term â€Å"collateral; damage† to describe the killing of thousands of civilians during the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 2) Oedipus was doomed from birth. Trace backe this fate of Oedipus to the origin of the tragedy and arrive at the ulimate end to the family tragedy in Antigone. The fact the Oedipus was born illegitimately – that he was a bastard – forms the central theme for the ultimate tragedy in Oedipus Rex. When Oedipus begins his quest to the Oracle of English Delphi to confirm his parentage, the Oracle relates a same prophecy: that Oedipus will kill his father and marry his mother. Later, when Oedipus kills an unarmed man who demands that Oedipus give way of the road, this man is in fact King Laius, Oedipus father.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After Oedipus dispatches the Sphinx he is given the throne of Thebes and weds Jocasta, a widow who is in fact his mother. Shortly afterward, Thebes falls into a state of pollution and degeneracy. A soothsayer tells oedipus that he is the cause of the city’s misfortunes. When oedipus finally realizes that origins of his birth: that he is the son of Laius and Jocasta, his world comes tumbling down. Jocasta, his mother and wife hangs herself in the closet, in the chamber where they had been sexually intimate. In response, Oedipus blinds himself by forcing her brooch pins into his eyes. The origin of the tragedy is in Oedipus seeking the truth of his birth; the origin of tragedy is in his illegitimacy. ((3) Macbeth was only as evil as his motivating forces. Explain fully the fate and the two most important motivating forces of Macbeth and his downfall   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most important motivating factors for Macbeth’s downfall emerge from his will to power and his attempt to twist fate into a direction he chooses. Specifically, the will to power is embodied by his wife, lady Macbeth, and fate is embodied by the three witches who prophesied both his rise and fall to and from the throne.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With his wife’s intrigue and cajoling, as well as the prophecy of the three witches, Macbeth believes himself fated to occupy the throne of Scotland. However, in order to embrace what he believes is his good-fate, Macbeth must commit murder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When Lady Macbeth approaches Macbeth with her intent to kill King Duncan, Macbeth displays some trepidation about doing so; however his wife’s persuasiveness enables him to go through with what he realizes is an immoral act. After the murder, when Macbeth’s conscience plagues him, Lady Macbeth enjoins him to act normally and lay his conscience aside as she has done. Macbeth’s ultimate downfall rises from his own conscience and his ambivalent embracing of his newly stolen powers as King.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As Macbeth’s sanity splinters, Lady Macbeth also begins to be haunted by her own conscience.. She hallucinates spots of blood on her hands and washes them, saying, out, out damn spot. Macbeth’s downfall is spurred by the deterioration of his wife’s sanity as it was Lady Macbeth’s hitherto resolve which empowered Macbeth to act so rashly in the first place. Macbeth’s fall is due directly to his pursuit of ambition and power, which are given birth by the witches’ prophecy and his wife’s explicit ambitions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Only at the end does Macbeth realize his true mistake as he struts and frets his hour upon the stage.† Here, he acknowledges that he has been at best an actor of fate’s script, and at worse, a mere puppet to his wife’s ambitions or a kind of â€Å"prop† for fate itself to play out a never-ending lesson of morality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Macbeth’s true life has bene put aside to enact this ‘role† which occasioned murder and insanity an the downfall of Kings. His ambitions and the commission of murder have caught up with and surpassed his original vision of fate; now, as the play reaches its tragic conclusion, the true purpose of his ambitions and crimes are shown, not as a will to power, but as a will toward learning the lessons of ambition and crime. Rather than a King, his life and ambitions are show to be a mere pawn in fate’s endless drama.    Work Cited Marotta, Lynn Surveillance cameras and privacy concerns is the invasion of public privacy worth it?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Video Surveillance Guide, 2006.